Learn Together, Achieve Together

English Mission Statement: Empowering children so their creative voice is heard.

At Croft Academy, we believe in offering a quality curriculum for all children. The English Curriculum at Croft Academy is designed to help support children, so they can become effective, purposeful writers. We do this by ensuring children are regularly exposed to a range of rich literature, as this will help our pupils to appreciate varying perspectives of the wider world books can offer, which helps to unlock imaginative thinking. 

English learning journeys are carefully planned and sequenced while taking into account the best way of ensuring key skills and knowledge become a part of children's long term memory. We are proud of our text rich curriculum, which really delves deep into the themes of books. Learning journeys are engaging for children and take them beyond the everyday, as books are thoughtfully selected by class teachers and teaching assistants so they reflect our pupils' growing interests. Lessons help broaden our pupils' horizons by exploring:

Read to Succeed 

At Croft Academy, we are passionate about reading, therefore we ensure that regular reading lessons take place consistently. Read to Succeed is the name given to our reading lesson, as we believe success is built on the foundation of good reading. Not only does reading have the power to unlock imaginations, it is also an incredible tool in developing knowledge of the wider world. A variety of books (non-fiction and fiction) are available in class reading corners and new releases are ordered to maintain the growing interests of our pupils. 


Writing at Croft Academy.pdf
Writing Overview.pdf
Progression in Writing Outcomes.pdf


Reading for Pleasure.pdf